Www thedoctorstv com word of the day
Www thedoctorstv com word of the day

www thedoctorstv com word of the day www thedoctorstv com word of the day

Our profound issues of injustice, corruption and vice goes far deeper than “political” affiliations. You are more than welcome! For those of us who have information that could help others it is our responsibility to tell what we know without remuneration, applause, or accolades for speaking truth to power. So, while the uber wealthy and entitled may dine on non-genetically engineered vegetables and pure, unadulterated dairy we do have the same choices.

www thedoctorstv com word of the day

We were healthy and never went without a meal and actually had put away copious amounts of food for the winter! It is the ‘modern’ diet, the one that a few profit from, that is the bane of our existence. In the 70’s, due to an ever unstable “economy”, my parents were forced to provide food for their many children by growing their own produce. When I see the likes of Elizabeth Wettin-Windsor, David Rockefeller and that mass murderer, Henry Kissinger, still walking, talking and scurrying about, I wonder what they must be consuming to give them such longevity and mental acuity? It certainly is not the processed foods, steroid and antibiotic injected animals, or chemical laden fruits and vegetables ( that are the staple of every ‘underclass’ ) that these entitled wankers consume…surely?īut, then again, I have noticed that the poorer one’s pocket the less chance of ever being able to purchase toxic laden “foods”. They lamented the many family members that they lost through cancer. Watching the documentary ‘ Thrive’ I was surprised that even the heirs to the PG&E fortune were oblivious to the corruption in their own industry. I would say that those who create the toxins probably do not eat the crap, but, having said that, I also think that they do not care if extended family members are injured or killed by their products. In no way is it a mistake or oversight that these chemical toxins are in our “food” supply. This compound might be used only in the UK…but…who the heck cares if it was the UK, Zimbabwe or Timbuktu? We are ALL family and should be concerned for everyone’s health.Īnyway, Is it not time we all start speaking truth to power and stop promulgating untruths? I know that I am tired as hell protecting these people who create our policy and dictate our lifestyle choices. I would be wary, at this point, to even place faith or trust in “organic products” as my son recently found out that rotenone ( A naturally occurring compound isolated from the Derris root ) has been linked to Alzheimer’s Disease and is used in the organic industry. They are, by any standards, sociopathic and a force of destruction. The Donald Rumsfelds of this world are criminally insane. I think once we begin to be honest with ourselves we can then begin to look at these people with honest eyes and hearts.

www thedoctorstv com word of the day

This is how toxic substances are introduced into our “food”.įrom everything that I have read and understand it is profit ( as well as an intentional design to cull ) that is the motivation for creating such harmful, toxic substances. It seems Rumsfeld found that “revolving door” from Searle to the FDA and then on to the White House. In just the case of Aspartame alone it is widely known that Donald Rumsfeld, a former CEO of Searle Pharmaceuticals, was involved in the production and approval process of this toxic substance by the FDA. I am not sure if you know the actual reason for the approval process of chemical substances in our “food” supply but it really has little to do with a backlog of research.

Www thedoctorstv com word of the day